Even though -- or perhaps, because -- it's still cold and damp outside, I've been giving a lot of thought to tackling my spring wardrobe. My inner hippie basically wants to run around in sheer organic cotton with unstyled hair, patchouli and flip flops, but despite my office's "tastefully casual" dress code, I don't think tie-dyed, incense-burning earth mother is an appropriate look to rock on
K Street.
The solution: a nice, fitted blazer to balance out edgier pieces and the slightly frazzled, wavy hair that I end up with, when it gets too warm to blow dry my hair without risking a power outage and first-degree scalp burns.

For casual work days, I love a blazer paired with jeans or white pants as seen below.

On the weekends, I would wear it with a swingy mini or a flowy bohemian dress.

Images: 1., 2. and 8.
For Stars will Rise Again 3.
Emerson Made 4.
ShopBop 5., 9. and 10.
J.Crew 6.
The Sartorialist 7.
The Singular